Scripts and Apps - BrokerPro Options Trading System

Brokerpro is an Options Trading simulator. A user will see in realtime the result of their trade on the live chart. For example, if a user starts a trade with PUT the system records the opening price, so for the trade to result to WIN, the closing price (the price at the end of trade countdown) must be greater than the opening price and vice versa. When this happens, the result is WIN the and the profit added to their balance.
Brokerpro comes with: Unlimited Crypto Payment gateways, Fixed Time Trading, Automatic Result, Affiliate Program, P2P Transfer and Many more features

User demo: | Username: janedoe | Password: 12345

Admin demo: | Username: admin | Password: 12345


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If you selected the Installation option and your domain is not hosted on our servers, enter the details of your hosting control panel: server address, username, and password.
Do you want to add some features or customization? Enter the details of what you want. Note: Customization requests are billed separately depending on the request made.
Enter the domain name that the script/web app will be installed on. Note: This script/web app is licensed for single usage